
Tuesday, January 14, 2014


I am brand new to the blogging world. Please be patient and forgiving with me! I don't want so much to blog as I do to share with the world my personal experiences with receiving a Cochlear BAHA hearing implant. I am not trying to talk anyone into or out of getting this procedure for themselves. Everyone has a different circumstance, degree of hearing loss, scull structure and physician. Before I had my surgery I did all the research I could and I still was not prepared for what I woke up with. So here I am to share my experience.

I will be posting photos I took of my incision at different stages of healing so be aware if you have a weak stomach or little ones running around who may spot your screen. I know my 6 year old didn't want to look at my incision until it was healed.

This page is for informational purposes. It is my page. Any comments that contain vulgar language, harassment or spam will be deleted.

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